Saturday, October 16, 2010

4 months later..

So I have REALLY decided to become diligent about posting now. I promise I will get better!!
4 months have gone by since my last post..and So much has changed! Jeff and I are expecting another baby in April! We are super excited and feel super blessed. Kailee says it's a "boy" every time we ask.. We will find out the sex in a few weeks!

We just bought a house in Ventura and are moving in TODAY. We are super excited and ready for home-ownership AGAIN. ( the right way)

Kailee is going to school 5 days a week. 3 at a deaf and hard of hearing pre-school, 2 at Ventura Missionary pre-school where I teach. I teach every morning and am having a blast.

Kailee's speech improvements and understanding of language has improved SO much I cannot even tell you! She is talking and listening and carrying on conversations. It's a true miracle to watch her everyday learn something new. We are so thrilled with her progress and all that she has accomplished through this struggle. She is still "behind" her age level, but truly doing fantastic. She gets speech therapy 3 times a week and we are working with her a lot at home to get those sounds:)

God is good and has been teaching and stretching us lately. It has been a hard year..but such a rich one. We are truly blessed!!!