Monday, December 21, 2009

A long month..

Best buds!


Don't ask:)

Kailee's school Thanksgiving feast! Too cute!

Well, it's been a long while since I've wrote on here. There have been many things going on this past month that I would now like to share with you.

The day after we could not see the sex of the baby, we found out that she would not live. Faith Hope Staniland died 10 days later.
It has been truly surreal to go through this, yet at the same time,it has been hopeful, powerful, faith building, trust building and humbling. God has truly held Jeff and I every step of the way. HE guided our decisions, and brought us to a place of peace, when I didn't think it was possible.

I had a D and E done to remove Faith's body on Dec 2, and I am recovering fine. I feel back to normal now and healed from all physical wounds. The emotional scars are still there, and I know the will always be with me. Faith Hope will always be in our hearts, and I cannot wait to see her someday in Heaven. I know she is waiting up there smiling down on me as we speak.

As I write this, I tear up with JOY, knowing that our Heavenly Father is taking care of her, and knowing that she will NEVER feel pain and hurt like we do. She is safely in our Father's arms...for eternity!

I thank so many of you for your thoughts and prayer sand support over these past few weeks.. Jeff and I could not have done this alone. I know you are in our lives for specific THANK YOU!
Faith Hope had Turner's syndrome. ( You can look up the specifics..there is a lot of info).
Many children can live a healthy life with Turner's, and many can live a limited life with Turner's. Faith's conditions was a bit too severe for her to make it full term. Turner's syndrome is chromosome related and it was a complete chance that we had a baby with this condition. I think this stat gives me hope for future pregnancies. We know our family is not complete yet, and we are looking forward to our next baby, whenever that day comes...

Kailee has been doing AWESOME. In these last 6 weeks, she has progressed SO MUCH! She is talking like crazy! She is understand and comprehending SO MUCH more then she ever has, and it is a true blessing to watch. She is a miracle! We had her next surgery scheduled for Jan 4th, but that will now be pushed back to sometime in the spring. We decided to wait a bit after all that has occurred.
Here are pictures of the last weeks...I hope you enjoy our goofy girl:)

With love, Stephanie