Monday, April 26, 2010

Word after Phrases

Phrases like " Airplane, right there!" is common around our house these days. In fact, Kailee is saying three word sentences ALL THE TIME!

"Mommy, juice please."
"No, Daddy do it!"
"Where's Elmo, and Abby, and Hairy"
" Watch Dora please"
"Daddy play basketball"
"Go outside now" ( that one is a little rude)
"Kailee potty, two treats?"
"Play at school"
....Just to give you some ideas

She is learning and changing with leaps and bounds and we are thrilled to be able to share her stories. To think, just a year ago she could only say 10 words!!! Wow, what God can do in a year!

She is officially potty trained!!! YEAH! she is still hesitant about going poop in the potty, but it's getting better! No pee accidents in over a week!! Yeah Kailee!

I met mom at the park the other day who had a six year old son with hearing aids on. I saw the boy right when I got to the park, and wanted to speak to his mom, but wasn't sure how appropriate that was. Well, God intervened anyways! She ended up seeing Kailee and coming up to me to say hi and to introduce herself. Her son was not a candidate for Cochlear implants when he was younger, but is doing pretty well with hearing aids. To listen to hear story and path she has taken with her son was almost IDENTICAL to our path with Kailee. The pain, and unknown, the blessings..etc. God put things into perspective for me, and I was glad to be a part of that journey with her. Her son's speech was beautiful, and he was such vibrant child. It was SO great to connect with someone that has gone through the same thing. Their family had just moved back into the area and she had a lot of questions about Dr.'s and school, etc. I hope and pray that we will stay in touch, and that I can help her in anyways she needs. We exchanged information, and I am hoping to get a play date soon.( She also has a daughter Kailee's age)

Last weekend we went to Jeff's Grandparents 66th wedding anniversary party!! Wow, 66 years! They were still so sweet to each other! There was live music and Kailee was mesmerized by the saxophone! Maybe a musician? Who knows?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Two ears!!

Yesterday we got to witness Kailee's second implant being turned on. What a sight!

I did not think that she would react that much, or that it would be that big of a deal. But when she cried as she did with the left, I realized that she's NEVER really heard out of her right ear before. Even when she has her hearing aids, she never really got stimulation out of that ear.

She was scared and did not really know where the sounds was coming from. It only took a few minutes, and then she calmed down and got used to the sound. What a blessing it was to witness her hear AGAIN. We are so proud of our baby girl and for all the strides she has taken thus far in her life..AND SHE HAS NO IDEA HOW TOUGH SHE IS!!!

This second implant will basically give Kailee surround sound. She will be hearing like the rest of us!!

I cannot wait to see Kailee's progression these next few months.