Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Monday was a long day to say the least..but Kailee came out of surgery with flying colors!! She was very tired and out of it right after surgery, and it pretty much took the entire day to come out of the anesthesia. Once she did, she was up and eating and wanted to go outside and ride her bike. (we didn't let her) She was a little off balance, so we didn't think that was a good idea:)

The Dr. said everything went great in surgery, and we are looking forward to the turn on date which will tell us HOW WELL everything works.

We are relieved it's over, and so thankful that she was safe. Kailee has to take it easy this week, but she is already running around and being herself! What a blessing!

Thank you for all your prayers...

I lo0k back at Kailee's journey in her short life, and it is already filled with so much hard stuff!! The beautiful thing about that is that it is already forming her into she is, and will be. I am filled with such joy about our little Kailee girl, and look forward to her future in Christ.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 15th..

Monday is the day Kailee will receive her second implant. The surgery is scheduled for 8:30 am!! We ask that you continue to pray for the surgeons direction and for Kailee's safety. Please pray that she recovers quickly, and that she is back to her normal self soon.

We are ready for this to be over!!!

Before her 1st implant a year ago, Kailee could barely say 10 words, and could not understand much more. Today, I couldn't even count how many words she say because there are so many! She is understanding us more and more, and words can't describe how blessed we feel to live in this era where technology is able to help our daughter this much. Good thing there are smarter people out there then me!!!

We are blessed... I'll keep you updated!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March brings Faith...

As we approach Faith Hope's birthday this month. I am brought to tears often, realizing that she won't be with us this spring. Soon after the tears and sadness leave, joy fills my heart in realizing she is perfectly secure, and happy in Heaven with our Father.
As we remember Faith, and all that she brought to our lives in the short time she was with us, we are joyful and excited about the future of our family.
Kailee will be getting her second cochlear implant on March 15!! We are nervous, anxious, excited and scared all at once. I ask for prayers for us as the date approaches closer. I pray our nerves would release, and our strength, that only come from God would rise up and help us through the fear. Kailee had a TREMENDOUS recovery last time, and I know she will do great!

March will be a tough month..but we are continually reminded, watching Kailee grow; how amazing she is, and how blessed we are to have her in our lives!!!

We are potty training now, and it is going well. I am learning that I can't leave her side for more then 5 minutes or there will be pee on the ground:)

She is having fun and getting lots of "treats" after she goes. I need to figure out when you stop the treat thing...I think she will drag that one out for a while!!!

We thank you for your love, and ask for prayers moving forward this month.

I lost an aunt this week, and I am saddened so much by her sudden and un-timely death. Please pray for her daughters, her grand kids, her husband, and all who love her. She was a wonderful woman! She is with God now, enjoying eternity with him. PRAISE HIM!!!
May March bring you Faith in the future as well!